The work of the wine grower involves cultivating and tending vines for the growing of grapes, making wine and producing other products from grapes and wine, e.g. sparkling wine, and marketing the resulting products.
Occupational skills
Wine growers are qualified by their initial vocational training to carry out the following activities independently, while at the same time complying with the requirements of nature conservation, environmental protection and health and safety at the workplace:
- handle and maintain machinery, equipment and plant;
- be aware of and assess processes; acquire and evaluate information;
- work and tend the soil to maintain fertility;
- plant, tend and use vines with an awareness of quality and environmental considerations;
- make wine using enological processes;
- fill, label and pack wine;
- assess and present wine;manufacture other products from grapes and wine;
- market wine and other products;
- advise customers.
Special requirements:
The process of making wine is subject to a multiplicity of national and EC regulations. Observing these regulations is a vital part of the wine grower’s work.