Vehicle body builders manufacture purpose built vehicles from engineering plans. They manufacture purpose-built bodies for buses, coaches, horse floats, ambulances, firetrucks and other vehicles. They construct complex frameworks which are then welded, glued and bolted to the vehicle’s chassis. These specialist panels are shaped from materials such as metal, aluminium and reinforced plastic using equipment such as a guillotine. Once the vehicle’s framework is completed they fit axles, suspension, brakes, handles, locks, hinges, hydraulics and pneumatic systems.
- Automotive Body Maker
- Motor Body Builder
- Vehicle Body Maker
Required skills and Knowledge
- an aptitude for mathematics
- the ability to interpret plans and instructions
- an interest in design and fabrication of metals
- technical skill
- to be safety conscious
Education Training Requirements
In order to become a vehicle body builder you usually need to complete an apprenticeship in Vehicle Body Building. This apprenticeship usually takes three and a half years to complete through full-time study, and five years and three months to complete through a school-based apprenticeship or part-time study.
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
As an apprentice, you enter into a formal training contract with an employer. You spend most of your time working and learning practical skills on the job and you spend some time undertaking structured training with a registered training provider of your choice. They will assess your skills and when you are competent in all areas, you will be awarded a nationally recognised qualification. Visit the ApprentiCentre to find out more.