Swimming pool lifeguards are employed in swimming pools and leisure centres. Their duties include organizing and supervising swimming, looking after visitors, giving swimming instruction, directing and controlling technical operations and carrying out administrative duties.
Swimming pool lifeguardssupervise swimmers, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the pool area:
- identify emergencies,
- rescue people from the water or initiate life-saving measures in the water,
- maintain vital functions of people who have been involved in incidents, e.g. by performing resuscitation procedures, and carry out first aid; are proficient in different swimming techniques and in surface and platform diving;
- look after and advise swimmers and organize sporting and leisure activities;
- give theoretical and practical swimming instruction;
- ensure the technical equipment at the pool is operating properly and control water treatment processes;
- initiate emergency plans in the event of technical faults and carry out measures to rectify such faults;
- look after and maintain equipment in swimming and leisure facilities;
- apply pertinent legislative and administrative provisions;
- carry out administrative duties involved in the pool operation and participate in public relations work.
Special requirements:
Lifeguards must have a good physical constitution. The task of supervising swimming carries a high degree of responsibility since dangerous situations have to be identified promptly and appropriate measures, including life-saving procedures, initiated and carried out.