Social insurance clerks are employed in health insurance, accident insurance and pension insurance institutions.
One typical field of activity is the assessment of individuals insurance status and benefit claims on the basis of the statutory provisions of social insurance legislation. Benefit claims might concern, for example, loss of earnings in the event of invalidity, an industrial injury pension pursuant to an industrial accident or an old age pension. When carrying out this work it is important to cooperate with the organizations which provide the benefits on behalf of the insurance institution concerned. The field of activity of the social insurance clerk also extends to duties which ensure that the obligation to provide benefits incumbent on the various social insurance institutions can actually be discharged, e.g. the calculation of insurance contributions.
Social insurance clerks enjoy relative autonomy in their work and are required to carry out their duties with a sense of responsibility. Many solve problems by means of direct contact with their insureds or members, i.e. oral or written communication and advice. In many cases high-quality personal contact is an essential factor in solving case problems. Social insurance clerks are required to be competent in handling modern information and communication technologies.
Occupational skills
The training involves specialization in one of the following five fields:
1) General Health Insurance
- insurance status and contributions,
- benefits in the event of sickness, pregnancy and maternity, and long-term care;
- marketing, communication and cooperation.
2) General and Marine Accident lnsurance (statutory accident insurance)
- insurance status,
- funding,
- interaction with other involved parties in preventing accidents at work, listed occupational diseases and work-induced disorders,
- benefit entitlements in the event of industrial accidents and listed occupational diseases;
- communication and cooperation.
3) Statutory Pension lnsurance
- insurance status,
- funding,
- benefit entitlements for rehabilitation, pensions and additional benefits,
- communication and cooperation.
4)The Social lnsurance Scheme for Miners
- insurance status,
- funding,
- benefits from health and long-term care insurance,
- benefits from pension insurance,
- marketing, communication and cooperation.
5) The Social Insurance Scheme for Farmers
- insurance status,
- funding,
- benefits from agricultural accident insurance,
- benefits from the pension insurance scheme for farmers,
- benefits from the health insurance scheme for farmers and from long-term care insurance,
- communication and cooperation.
Particular requirements
The training for social insurance clerks is an integral part of the social security system of the Federal Republic of Germany, a system which is based on self-managed and contribution-funded institutions operating under public law to underwrite a specific category of social insurance.