A Registrar operates behind the scenes to enable access and enjoyment of cultural heritage by public and other audiences now and in the future. They may work within a museum, art gallery or similar organisation whether public or private which has a stated remit to promote, collect, manage, preserve, interpret and/or display works of art, historic stories, customs, practices, places, artistic expressions, values, specimens and artefacts of unique and often irreplaceable artistic, historic, cultural or scientific importance, commonly referred to as collections or objects.
The Registrar is responsible for:
Identifying and managing the provision of protection to the organisation from financial and reputational risks and ensuring the protection of objects/collections from physical risks;
managing the logistical, legal, practical and technical aspects of caring for, moving, recording and installing the objects/collections in the organisation’s care;
safeguarding collections and ensuring that legal and ethical standards are maintained.
organise acquisitions, loans, exhibitions, displays and shipments of objects to enable their organisations’ programmes;
develop, implement and use collection management policies and procedures;
give expert advice to internal/external colleagues on all collections, loans and exhibition activities taking place nationally and internationally;
correspond with lenders/borrowers/owners regarding objects/loans;
review and negotiate contracts and legal agreements;
procure and arrange transport, casing, insurance and indemnity;
work with Conservators and Museum and Galleries Technicians to prepare objects for movement or display; travel may be involved with objects to other locations which may be international;
may work hands-on with objects e.g. condition checking or packing objects.
Registrars may work alone or in teams in a fast paced, busy environment with other, predominantly, internal departments which may include art handling, conservation, exhibitions, photographic, legal, technicians, sales and curatorial. They also liaise with other external sector professionals e.g. technical consultants, artists, insurance brokers, fabricators and an international network of transport agents.
Registrars typically report to a head of department or senior management structure dependant on the size of their organisation. They may manage more junior staff and/or volunteers. In different organisations, the job title may vary and include Collections/Exhibitions Registrar, Collection/Exhibition Officer or Loans Manager/Officer. Summary of Standard https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/registrar-creative-and-cultural/ Full Standard https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/media/3757/st0590_registrar.pdf