WORK PROCESS SCHEDULE STREET LIGHT SERVICER O*NET/SOC CODE: 47-2111.00 RAPIDS CODE: 0545 DESCRIPTION: Maintains and repairs mercury-vapor, fluorescent, electric-arc, or incandescent street lights and traffic signals: Climbs ladder or stands in tower-truck bucket to reach lamp. Tests circuits and electric components to locate grounded wires, broken connections, or defective current-control mechanisms, using electrical testing instruments. Replaces blown fuses
Cement Mason
WORK PROCESSES CEMENT MASON O*NET SOC CODE: 47-2051.00 RAPIDS CODE 0075 Work Processes 3 YR Min 3 YR Max 4 YR Min 4 YR Max Safe Use and Maintenance of Related Trade Tools and Equipment 225 300 300 Use of Levels, Transits, and Lasers 93.75 125 125 Set Screeds to Line 525 700 700
Operating Engineer (Universal Equipment Operator)
OCCUPATION SCHEDULE FOR: Operating Engineer (Universal Equipment Operator) O*NET/SOC CODE: 47-2073-02 RAPIDS CODE: 0365HY This schedule is attached to and a part of these Standards for the above identified occupation. 1. TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP The term of the occupation shall be 3 years with an OJL attainment of not less than 4000 OJL hours supplemented by
Fire Medic
WORK PROCESS FIRE-MEDIC O*NET/SOC CODE: 33-2011.01 RAPIDS CODE: 0754 APPROXIMATE HOURS A. Controls and extinguishes fires 500 B. Maintains fire stations 350 C. Maintains fire equipment & apparatus 400 D. Operates equipment for lifting, spreading, hoisting & pulling 400 E. Applies extinguishing agents 500 F. Operates foam & water additive proportioners & generators 150 G. Couples hose & rolls, folds,
Millwright (HY)
WORK PROCESS SCHEDULE MILLWRIGHT O*NET-SOC CODE: 49-9044.00 RAPIDS CODE: 0335/0335HY This schedule is attached to and a part of these Standards for the above identified occupation. 1. TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP The term of the occupation shall be four (4) or five (5) years with an OJL attainment of a minimum of 5,200 or 6,500 hours
Stationary Engineer
WORK PROCESS SCHEDULE STATIONARY ENGINEER O*NET-SOC CODE: 51-8021.02 RAPIDS CODE: 0536 This work process schedule is attached to and a part of these Standards for the above identified occupation. 1. TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP The term of the occupation shall be 3 years with an OJL attainment of not less than 6000 OJL hours supplemented by the
Truck Driver HY
Phase I-Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Obtaining Phase-160 Hours of Instruction In the event that an apprentice has obtained their CDL other than the Roehl Driver Training Academy, credit will be given for classroom and range time. Week 1 Classroom Instruction 15 hours Range Instruction-45 hours Materials Covered: Intro to a truck (minimum
Carpenter HY
WORK PROCESS SCHEDULE CARPENTER HYBRID INTERIM CREDENTIALS (CONSTRUCTION) O*NET-SOC CODE: 47-2031.01 RAPIDS CODE: 0653HY 1. TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP The term of the occupation shall be four (4) years with an OJL attainment of 5360 – 8000 hours supplemented by the required hours of related technical instruction. As outlined in related instruction and OJL, interim or sub apprenticeship
WORK PROCESS SCHEDULE HORTICULTURIST O*NET/SOC CODE: 19-1013.01 RAPIDS CODE: 0236 Description: Conducts experiments and investigations to determine methods of breeding, producing, storing, processing, and transporting of fruits, nuts, berries, vegetables, flowers, bushes, and trees: Experiments to develop new or improved varieties having higher yield, quality, nutritional value, resistance to disease, or adaptability to climates, soils, uses, or processes.
Information Management
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Office of Apprenticeship Training, Employer and Labor Services (OATELS) Washington, D.C. 20210 Distribution: A-541 National Office A-546 All Field Tech A-547 SD+RD+SAC+; Lab.Com Code: 200 Subject: New Apprenticeable Occupations (Military Only) Symbols: DSNIP/CFV Action: Immediate PURPOSE: To inform the Office of Apprenticeship Training, Employer and