Working with individuals enabling them to participate in meaningful occupations and activities of everyday life.
Occupational Profile
Occupational therapy is a rewarding career which requires a highly developed knowledge and professional skill-set to enable you to work across a range of settings and environments. Occupational therapists work with individuals from birth to end of life including those with physical and mental health conditions, injury, learning disabilities, long-term conditions, palliative care needs and with those who find themselves displaced from their societies. Your primary goal as an occupational therapist is to enable people to participate in meaningful occupations and activities of everyday life. Occupations include things people need to, want to and are expected to do such as self-care, leisure or work. Through therapeutic use of ‘occupation’ an understanding of the relationship between the human body and mind, what a person needs/wants to do, their beliefs and the physical and social environment, you will enable people who face disease, disability and/or social challenges to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. You will use skills in clinical reasoning, critical analysis, and research based evidence in your practice. You will use a person-centred approach to support people to carry out everyday occupations and routines such as dressing, eating, catching the bus to work or other activities that are important to them. Occupational therapists also work with families, carers, employers and organisations that support the person as well as communities where people have become marginalised and require support to build a meaningful life. You can work in a variety of settings including health, social care, education and other private and voluntary sector organisations.
Summary of Standard
Full Standard