Field of Activity
Interior decorators work in enterprises specialising in interior deco-ration and in companies offering services in this field, e.g. in inte-rior decoration and interior furnishing departments in department stores. They also work for furniture dealers, builders of stage sets and trade fair construction enterprises. They most commonly work on shop floors, in workshops, on construction sites and on the cus-tomer’s own premises.
Occupational Skills
- Assessing, developing and designing interior spaces
- Designing, producing and fitting interior decorations and installations to ensure privacy and to protect against light and sun
- Designing, covering and coating wall and ceiling areas
- Designing floor areas and installing floor coverings
- Upholstering and covering upholstered furniture
- Processing and finishing materials and auxiliary materials
- Checking the construction requirements on site and preparing subsurfaces
- Determining working steps, materials and methods independently
- Producing working documents and taking measurements
- Evaluating and documenting working results and calculating the costs of the service provided
- Carrying out quality assurance measures
- Setting up workplaces and taking measures to ensure health and safety at work and the protection of the environment
- Making use of information and communications technologies
- Using and maintaining tools, equipment and machinery