Field of Activity
Industrial cleaners are employed both in cleaning and treating surfaces and in the field of hygiene and preserving the substance of various buildings and facilities. Their work sites include, for example, office and administrative buildings, industrial plants, production facilities, outdoor amenities, transportation facilities, sanitation facilities, health care facilities and food processing facilities.
Occupational Skills
Industrial cleaners carry out their work on the basis of technical documents and job orders, both independently and in cooperation with others. They plan and coordinate their work, set up job sites and take the measures required for health and safety at work and to protect the environment. They check their work to ensure error-free execution, document their work, carry out quality assurance measures and calculate the job performance data. When carrying out the following activities, industrial cleaners use and maintain plant and machinery, they erect and dismantle scaffolding for work, protection and support purposes and use facade accessing equipment and lifting platforms.
Industrial cleaners:
- assess the nature and composition of buildings, components and fittings for their relevance to cleaning, maintenance and conservation,
- detect and document surface soiling and surface changes,
- determine the amount of surface treating agent required and prepare dosages of the agent alone and in combination with disinfecting agents,
- carry out cleaning work inside buildings,
- carry out post-construction cleaning work,
- carry out cleaning work on glass,
- clean interior decoration textiles,
- clean and take care of transportation facilities and open spaces,
- clean installations to protect against light and weather intrusion,
- carry out industrial cleaning work,
- clean facades,
- clean vehicles used on water, on land and in the air,
- carry out cleaning work in health care establishments, in particular hospitals,
- carry out disinfection work in compliance with the relevant legal provisions,
- carry out maintenance and conservation work on different surfaces,
- assess measures required relating to hygiene, pest control and decontamination in the health protection and supplies storage fields,
- carry out hygiene and decontamination measures,
- prepare contaminated matter for disposal and arrange for the disposal of contaminated liquids and hazardous substances,
- in the field of health protection and supplies storage, carry out preparatory cleaning work, surveillance work and deterrent measures as a preventive strategy for pest control.