Design or create graphics to meet special needs to be presented by visual communications. Analyzes illustrations and photographs to plan presentation of material. Determines size and arrangement of illustrative material and copy, selects style and size of type, and arranges layout. Demonstrate knowledge and skills for qualifying as Journeyman. Applicable Job Qualification Requirements will be used as a guide in performing tasks and demonstrating knowledge in the following areas. Actual work time must be recorded in the Work Experience Log.
Create Charts
Draw bar charts. Draw pie charts. Draw flow charts. Draw line Charts.
Perform Lettering
Letter freehand with pencil. Letter with mechanical devices. Letter with pressure sensitive materials. Letter with pen and points.
Operate Production Equipment
Photographic lettering machine. Diazo process machine. Photostatic camera. Mounting Press. Waxer. Graphics imaging systems. Opaque projector. Overhead projector.
Perform Operator Maintenance
Maintain photographic lettering machine. Maintain Diazo process machine. Maintain photostatic camera. Maintain mounting press. Maintain waxer. Maintain opaque projector. Maintain overhead projector. Maintain mechanical lettering devices.
Construct Illustrations
Prepare overlays. Prepare color separations. Apply toning materials. Draw designs and figures. Paint designs and figures. Prepare copy preps. Scale materials.
Maintain Files and Records
Complete job orders. Enter data in logs. File materials.