Using world class equipment and software to provide timed deliveries and collections to homes and businesses.
Occupational ProfileĀ
Role: The dramatic growth of internet shopping and the use of portable ICT devices have transformed the occupations involved in express delivery services. Using world class equipment and software to provide timed deliveries and collections to homes and businesses; postal workers, couriers and express delivery drivers have a high level of individual responsibility for their working day and delivery route. They may be on foot using trolleys or required to use a vehicle such as a pedal cycle, motorbike, van or lorry. They are an ambassador for the industry, their brand and the goods they carry. They provide a high level of customer service which may include real time tracking of deliveries or the installation of electrical and other goods. They maintain excellent communication throughout the delivery chain from collection to delivery point and dealing correctly with failed deliveries and returns. All Apprentices are required to gain and maintain all of the knowledge set out in this Standard, irrespective of their current or initial job role and duties.
Summary of Standard
Full Standard