Advises and assists in organizing and implementing a career information program. Ensures individuals and other family members are presented information concerning career opportunities, services, incentives, rights and benefits. Performs recruiting and recruiting management duties. Demonstrate knowledge and skills for qualifying as Journeyman. Applicable Job Qualification Requirements will be used as a guide in performing tasks and demonstrating knowledge in the following areas. Actual work time must be recorded in the Work Experience Log.
General Administration
Maintain directives, files, publications, and records. Operate office equipment. Establish and maintain tickler system. Write correspondence and messages. Screen and route correspondence. Prepare contracts and agreements. Prepare pre-enlistment and reenlistment waiver kits. Review service records. Administer, score, and record results of required tests. Conduct surveys. Screen personnel for reenlistment, advancement, and program eligibility. Make recommendations for pre-enlistment waivers. Plan and organize the administrative procedures of an office.
Technical Administration
Use directives. Utilize recruiting activity analysis system. Provide staff with civilian employment trends. Collect and prepare information for dissemination concerning enlistment career programs. Review and evaluate retention instructions. Prepare and submit recruiting/retention reports. Maintain reenlistment and retention statistics.
Logistic and Financial Support
Order office supplies and equipment. Prepare travel requests. Prepare and submit operating budget for an office. Use and distribute recruiting and retention materials.
Mechanical Maintenance
Perform operator maintenance on office equipment.
Conform to prescribed safety procedures.
Marketing and Advising Support
Provide market data for marketing plans, analysis, and goals. Conduct marketing analysis for recruitment. Use mass media advertising.
Public Affairs Support
Establish liaison with command and community media representatives. Identify the use of civilian community personnel resources. Maintain contact with cognizant commands and offices. Prepare and deliver presentations/lectures to civic and social groups, school officials, and other concerned groups regarding military opportunities. Prepare for and set up special events including displays and exhibits. Arrange for photographer.
Personnel Support
Use sound principles of customer relations at customer contact points. Solicit applications for advancement or education programs. Assist personnel in completing forms, letters, and requests. Conduct interviews and counseling sessions. Interview military and civilian personnel to determine their suitability for placement into specific military occupations. Provide information to individuals on matters concerning career opportunities, incentives, military rights, benefits, and advantages of a military career. Assist with overseas screening programs. Recommend career development programs based on results of testing and counseling. Provide information to individuals on matters pertaining to social security, veterans administration, and uniform service health benefits program. Counsel personnel on civilian occupations and opportunities as they relate to military occupations.