Inspect, maintain, and repair aircraft mechanical and electrical armament/ordinance systems. Service aircraft guns and accessories. Stow, assemble, and load aviation ordnance including guided missiles, bombs, mines, and torpedoes. Demonstrate knowledge and skills for qualifying as Journeyman. Applicable Job Qualification Requirements will be used as a guide in performing tasks and demonstrating knowledge in the following areas. Actual work time must be recorded in the Work Experience Log.
Orientation to Weapons Systems and Equipment; Such as Armament Systems Components, Ejector Racks, Missile Launchers, Test Equipment and Troubleshooting/Repair Processes
Apply proper use, maintenance, care and storage of test equipment. Employ safety practices as outlines in established procedures pertaining to electrical parts. Develop weapons systems and equipment cleaning procedures. Observe an experienced technician and participate in the identification and use of hand tools.
Troubleshoot Armament Systems and Equipment Using the Proper Troubleshooting Techniques and Equipment
Study appropriate schematic diagrams and other circuit drawings. Identify the location and purposes of components, subassemblies, and auxiliary equipment. Determine malfunctions and the location of faulty electrical components. Repair armament equipment using appropriate maintenance instruction manuals. Use appropriate forms to properly document repairs and/or replacement of components.
Perform Preventive Maintenance as Required
Observe all preventive maintenance requirements for inspection and preservation of components. Perform appropriate corrosion control procedures. Follow all periodic maintenance requirements for electrical testing and mechanical adjustment.
Requisition, Store, and Assemble Aviation Munitions
Use appropriate forms for the ordering of munitions. Observe all safety requirements and storage procedures as outlined in appropriate reference material. Use appropriate manuals for the assembly/disassembly of weapons munitions.
Perform as a Member of an Ordnance Loading and Downloading Crew
Observe all safety precautions as outlined in appropriate loading manuals and checklists. Use proper loading equipment as outlined in appropriate loading manuals and checklists. Demonstrate proper arming/disarming procedures for aviation munitions in accordance with appropriate loading manuals and checklists.