Happy Thanksgiving!
This is your weekly AAI grantee community update with upcoming events and new resources.
Upcoming NGA Events: (Please note that further details and information about other events can be found on the CoP calendar)
- Thurs, Dec 6 from 3-4:30pm ET: Learning Network call for all AA grantee team leads.
- This Learning Network call will be used to discuss some of the challenges you identified in the quarterly performance reports submitted in November. We will structure the conversation around potential strategies to address these challenges, invited subject-matter experts when applicable.
- Please submit a brief description of one or more challenges you would like to discuss with your peers by sending them to jguerriero@nga.org.
- Wed, Dec 12 from 3-4:00pm ET: Peer Call on Partnering with Workforce Boards
- During this call we’ll discuss strategies for AAI grantees to effectively engage workforce development boards. We will discuss ways to connect and partner with workforce boards on employer engagement, financial support (including for training and support services), and achieving performance outcomes.
Apprenticeship Resource Corner:
- During our most recent webinar on “Engaging Non-Employer Sponsors”, we heard from AAI grantees Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development and Marshall University Research Corporation on the opportunities, challenges, and logistics of partnering with and developing local sponsors. Slides and recording can be found here.
Apprenticeship in the News:
- Labor Department Provides Businesses $510,000 to Expand Apprenticeships (South Dakota State News): The South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation (DLR) recently announced it has provided $510,000 in incentive funding to help businesses expand pre-apprenticeships and registered apprenticeships. Programs designed to increase engagement for under-represented populations such as females, Native Americans, limited-English proficient individuals, youth ages 16 to 24 and individuals with disabilities were also given priority.
- Forum in NLR Offers Apprenticeship Lesson (Arkansas Democrat Gazette): AAI grantee Arkansas Department of Workforce Services signed a local workforce board as a program sponsor during an employer forum they held during National Apprenticeship Week.