AAI Resources:
- AAI Community of Practice COVID-19 Resource Page : Includes a variety of resources including TA Memos on improving access to online learning and adjusting work-based learning structures, US-DOL guidance on grant management, and unemployment insurance information.
- The U.S. Department of Labor announced the availability of $42.5 million in Youth Apprenticeship Readiness grants to support the enrollment of youth (16-24 years, in-and-out of school) apprentices into new or existing Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs). The Department intends to fund approximately 15 to 25 youth apprenticeship readiness grants, with awards ranging from $1 million to $5 million. Allowable activities under this grant include establishing or expanding existing RAPs for youth, pre-apprenticeship leading to a RAP, and wrap-around/supportive services that enable youth to participate and succeed in a pre-apprenticeship leading to a RAP or a RAP. Funds cannot be used to support IRAPs.
- Eligible lead applicants for these grants are private non-profit, for-profit, or public agencies and include education and training providers, workforce development system entities, organizations functioning as workforce intermediaries, and state agencies. You can learn more here.
Upcoming NGA Events: (Please note that further details and information about other events can be found on the COP calendar)
- AAI, SAE and ASE Webinar: Adjusting in Response to COVID-19: April 21 from 3-4 pm
- As the impacts of COVID-19 are felt across the nation, we are exploring how apprenticeship grantees are responding to new challenges and new opportunities. Join us for a facilitated conversation featuring AAI, SAE, and ASE grantees. We’ll talk with a few grantees about their experiences and how they’re responding, and then open it up to questions and peer sharing. Please register for the webinar here. Please note that you will need the registration password (required to prevent hacking): 445445.
- AAI Learning Network Call: May 5 from 3- 4 pm
- This Learning Network call will provide AAI grantee team leads the opportunity to discuss best practices and common challenges with the cohort. An agenda and dial-information will be available closer to the event.
- For more information on upcoming AAI events, please see the AAI Community of Practice calendar.
Apprenticeship in the News:
- MedCerts Announces Nationally Registered Healthcare Apprenticeship Program (Iosco County News Herald): MedCerts announced today that their official apprenticeship program has been registered with the United States Department of Labor Apprenticeship Office. It is now available nationally to MedCerts partners including American Job Centers, Adult Education Centers and healthcare organizations.
- Regional Manufacturers’ Association Receives Grant to Establish New ‘Apprenticeship Ecosystem’ in PA (WHTM ABC 27): The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recently awarded a $250,000 grant to the Manufacturers’ Association, to establish a registered apprenticeship ecosystem in southcentral PA by expanding employer participation, increasing the number of journey workers, and adding apprentices and pre-apprentices.