AAI Resources:
- AAI Community of Practice COVID-19 Resource Page : Includes a variety of resources including NGA Technical Assistance Memos on improving access to online learning and adjusting work-based learning structures, US-DOL guidance on grant management, and unemployment insurance information.
Upcoming NGA Events: (Please note that further details and information about other events can be found on the COP calendar)
- AAI, SAE and ASE Webinar: Adjusting to Change: Tuesday, April 21 from 3-4 pm
- As we experience major changes in the U.S workforce across the nation, we are exploring how apprenticeship grantees are responding to new challenges and new opportunities. Join us for a facilitated conversation featuring AAI, SAE, and ASE grantees. We’ll talk with a few grantees about their experiences and how they’re responding, and then open it up to questions and peer sharing. Please register for the webinar here. Please note that you will need the registration password (required to prevent hacking): 445445.
- AAI Learning Network Call: Tuesday, May 5 from 3-4 pm
- This Learning Network call will provide AAI grantee team leads the opportunity to discuss best practices and common challenges with the cohort. An agenda and dial-information will be available closer to the event.
- AAI Webinar: AAI Program Integration with Postsecondary Education: May 11 from 3-4 pm
- Community colleges have long been key players in apprenticeship program development and success. As colleges face uncertainty due to the current health and economic crisis, it can be helpful to utilize lessons from the Great Recession to plan for future program needs. NGA will lead a conversation with AAI grantees discussing the role of community colleges in the last recession, highlighting enrollment trends and ways apprenticeship programs can best serve participants and businesses. Please join us for this conversation, featuring NGA higher education experts and community college administrators that ran programs during the Great Recession. Please register for the webinar here. Please note that you will need the registration password (required to prevent hacking): 576837.
- For more information on upcoming AAI events, please see the AAI Community of Practice calendar.
Apprenticeship in the News:
- Technology Huge for HVAC Program (Courier Journal): Northwest-Shoals Community College officially started the Power5 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Apprenticeship Program in January. Randy Corbsie, HVAC instructor, had no idea what challenges were ahead for his program with the COVID-19 pandemic this spring.
Additional Points of Interest:
- Lincoln Land Community College in Springfield, IL is hiring a Director of Apprenticeship Programming
- QPR Process Renewal Request: The Office of Management and Budget’s current control number that provides the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) authority to collect quarterly performance reports (QPRs) from AAI grantees expires June 30, 2020. The UDOL has requested authority to renew the QPR process beyond this date. In order to comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act, there is a 60-day comment period to allow you to respond to this change. Questions and/or comments regarding the information collection request (ICR) can be sent to gov, or by calling Gabrielle Aponte Henkel at 202-693-2683. For additional information related to this ICR please go to https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/04/15/2020-07937/agency-information-collection-activities-comment-request.